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Additional Dwelling Units in Northern Utah

Diamond J Buildings provides additional dwelling units in Northern Utah to expand your living space with style and functionality. We build custom barndominiums and other types of secondary housing units located on the same lot as a primary single-family residential dwelling. Our team specializes in designing and constructing these units to maximize space while providing a comfortable and stylish living area. Whether you’re looking to add a separate guest house, in-law suite, or rental unit, our experienced team can bring your vision to life. Contact us today for more information on how we can help expand your living space.

Additional Dwelling Unit

Custom Barndominium Designs for Unique Living Spaces

Barndominiums are a popular trend in additional dwelling units, combining the rustic charm of a barn with modern living spaces. Our team specializes in designing and constructing these unique structures to fit your specific needs and preferences. We offer a range of options, from traditional to contemporary designs, to create a living space that complements your style and enhances the functionality of your property. With our expertise, you can have a custom-built barndominium that provides additional living space without sacrificing comfort or aesthetic appeal.

Additional Dwelling Unit

Benefits of Additional Dwelling Units

Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) serve various purposes, such as providing affordable housing options, accommodating multigenerational living arrangements, creating rental income opportunities for homeowners, and addressing housing shortages in urban areas. ADUs can also offer flexibility in living arrangements and contribute to more efficient land use without the need for significant infrastructure or structured parking. They typically include basic facilities for day-to-day living, such as a kitchen, sleeping area, and bathroom, and can take the form of backyard cottages, basement apartments, or detached units.

ADUs Have Gained Attention as a Versatile Solution to Housing Challenges in Diverse Communities and Locations

Affordable Housing

ADUs provide an affordable housing option, making homeownership more accessible and contributing to addressing housing shortages.

Rental Income

Homeowners can generate rental income from ADUs, helping cover mortgage payments and household expenses or simply adding to their income.

Increased Property Value

ADUs can increase the value of a property by providing additional living space and rental income potential, thus enhancing overall property value.

Multigenerational Living

ADUs create opportunities for multigenerational living arrangements, allowing families to foster warm and supportive environments.


Detached ADUs can offer independence for occupants while still being close to family or main living quarters.

Land Conservation

ADUs contribute to land conservation efforts by promoting efficient land use without the need for new infrastructure.

Environmental Quality

ADUs offer benefits that address common development barriers such as affordability and environmental quality, contributing to sustainable living.

Elevate Your Living Space and Make the Most of Your Property

Our company specializes in constructing high-quality Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) that are efficient, environmentally friendly, and tailored to each client’s unique needs and aesthetic preferences. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, ensuring that every ADU project, from concept to completion, aligns with our client’s vision for expanded living space. With a focus on sustainability and versatility, our ADUs offer an ideal solution for anyone looking to enhance their property’s utility and value. Contact us today for more information on our services in Northern Utah. Let us help you elevate your living space and create a new way of enjoying your property. Call now for a free consultation.

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